
I currently teach PSYC 2010: Introduction to General Psychology, PSYC 3580: Introduction to Social Psychology, PSYC 3970: Psychology and the Law, and PSYC 7180: Social Psychology. As a teacher, I work to engage my students by integrating active learning techniques into the classroom.

In Social Psychology, for example, this means working through scientific real-world problems using collaborative, or team-based, learning. This allows students to bounce ideas off of each other, test out hypotheses in more personalized settings, and work as a team to study and address real-world social psychology problems. Team-based work is especially important in social psychology since we are a close-knit research community, and it often takes teams working together to study and explore these research topics.

I also believe it is important to provide students with support and encouragement to be successful. My primary role as an instructor is to help students learn the material and build critical thinking and research skills. I hope students will be able to apply these skills in future careers and as their pursuit of academic goals continues.